It's a long road, but I'm taking it one step at a time...

My Mini-Goal

8/08/10 to 8/31/10-to lose 6 lbs this month

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Still Here...

I am still here.

Oh, what a week. Whew.

My daughter came Friday. I split up my time with her, extra exercise, and getting ready for the big party.

Saturday I do a lot of cooking & prep work for the party in addition to regular chores.

Sunday we had the party-- what a blast. My baby is 20. We celebrated the 4th. It was awesome. And I did enjoy myself food-wise, made some allowances, but didn't go overboard.

Monday... big clean up spending more time w/my girl before she took off on me again. Monday night, got my period... worst cramps in ages. Thought maybe it was giving up the coffee... caffiene is a bit of a natural pain killer, and without all the caffiene in me maybe I was feeling them full force.

Tuesday... even bigger clean up and trying to get the house back in order. ugh my aching, painful nasty crampy back was just nagging.

Wednesday... finish big-ass chore list. Shopping. Laundry. Ugh. Back.

Thurs & Friday-- put in 15 hour days working trying to catch up so I get paid something next week. Now that the hubby is out of work my income is no longer optional.

So here I sit, 1:23 am, just decided to call it a night 1 1/2 hrs early... had a bit of a craving today for doritos but I think that was just the period & sitting here being overworked talking.

As you can see I can barely type legibly so I will get back at it in a day or two. I need to work & rest a bit tomorrow.

Meanwhile, my goal for the end of the month is to get down to 325... 7 pounds. It's a bit much, but now that I've broken through the plateau it seems things are chugging right along again and I am so anxious to reach a landmark-- 325 will be 50 pounds down, under 50 BMI, and exactly 1/3 of the way there.... so yeah. 325.

I gotta weigh myself tomorrow and see where the heck I am at... probably with this period & the party maybe the same as last week.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like you've had a whirlwind week! I hope you are able to get some rest time, and feel refreshed.

    I love landmark kind of goals, it's so much fun when you get there.325 by the end of this month sounds like a tough goal, but not impossible! I'm cheering you on!!



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